It's January 1st, 2015!! The start of a brand new year!! I've been away from my computer a lot over the last several months. Haven't had the opportunity to continue with the 52 Ancestor's Challenge that Amy Johnson Crow started last January. We moved halfway across the country, I started a new job, my computer went crazy on me, and with 4 active could say life got in the way. I just wasn't able to continue. I'm proud that I was able to complete 35 of the 52, but hope to do better this year!!
Speaking of this has a bit of a twist! Instead of writing about just anyone, Amy Johnson Crow will be suggesting a theme each week to help in choosing which ancestor to talk about. I think it's a wonderful idea!! The first week's theme is "Fresh Start." My "Fresh Start" for this week will be my Great, Great, Great Grandfather, Ludwig Haase, who moved with his family from Germany to the U.S. I'm guessing he wanted to give them a better life, or a "Fresh Start."
Ludwig, or Louis as he is sometimes referred to as, was originally born in Germany on February 9, 1835. While in Germany, he married Justine Erdmann sometime prior to 1860 possibly. Not much can be found on Justine Erdmann. Her name may have been Augusta too, but still working on that.
I have in my possession a marriage certificate filled out when my Great Great Grandmother, Ida Haase Kutz was married. On the certificate it sates she was from "Gross Runow, H. Pommern." I believe this was the small town of Gross Ruhnow, in the county of Stolp, in the old Prussian province of Hinterpommern (or Further Pommern in English). At least that is what I was told when I questioned the place name on's message boards. It is now known as Runowo, Poland. That may be where Ludwig is from, or just where Ida was born.
June 6, 1879, we see a ship manifest for the Leipzig. Port of departure was Bremen, Germany, and port of arrival was Baltimore, Maryland. On page 111 of 365 (found on, it lists Ludwig Haase with his wife and 8 children: Adeline (age 19), Hulda (age 15), Auguste (can't read the age), Emma (age 6), Minna (age 4), Richard (age 11 months), and Ida (age 20...this age is incorrect - Ida would have been about 11 years).
A year later we can find the family living in Chicago, Illinois, on Cornelia Street. They are listed as:
- Louis age 45
- Augusta age 46
- Lina age 20
- Hulda age 16
- Ida age 12
- Emma age 8
- Minna age 6
- Richard age 3
In the U.S. Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 on, we see a card listed for Ludwig Hasse. His address was 427 Ashland Avenue, and the date of Naturalization was October 17, 1892. "Certificate No. (or vol. and page)" is listed as R 37 P 563. It was witnessed by Ernst Schaefer who lived at 724 Chicago Ave. Ernst was Ludwig's son-in-law, married to his daughter Emma. 1900 census also has Ernst and Emma living at 724 Chicago Avenue.
On the 1900 Census we see Ludwig has moved in with his daughter Hulda Haase Kufka and her family on Augusta Street in Chicago. Ludwig is listed as Louis again and listed as a widow. On the same street is his daughter Ida Haase Kutz living with her family.
The next document we can find on Ludwig is his death certificate. Ludwig died July 25, 1915. He was at 918 N. Washtenaw Avenue, in Chicago. the informant is listed as Herman Kutz, who is the brother of Ludwig's son-in-law, John Kutz. Ludwig was buried at Concordia Cemetery on July 29th, 1915.
If you have any questions, or concerns, about the information in this post, please leave me a comment. I'd be happy to answer any questions, or share what information I have on the individuals listed above. Thanks for reading!!
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